and be part
of the
Registration are now closed
©Goupil Studio
©Goupil Studio
©Antoine Desvallées
We have filled all positions for volunteers.
Registrations are now closed.
Thank you to all volunteers who applied to support this great event!
Contact Marc by Email : marc.auclair(at)wanadoo.fr
Accreditation, meals, special soirée, T-shirt, fun…
Seize the opportunity to volunteer for a few days, the whole competition or even a half day. It’s a guarantee of experiencing intense and convivial moments!
The competition is organized by the Club des Chamois Volants, and all willing helpers are welcome.
©Goupil Studio – always spectacular, pilot recovery by the boat crews
Cooling off
Putting up the site
* Subject to change
©Goupil Studio – Assistance on takeoff
©Goupil Studio – a volunteer practicing his Zen relaxation…